Desember 21, 2012

NASA Creates “Gangnam Style”


TheTechJournal: “NASA Creates “Gangnam Style” Parody To Enlighten Us About Johnson Space Center” plus 7 More Buzzing Tech News Of The Day

Posted: 16 Dec 2012 04:00 AM PST
After having bagged the ‘award’ of being the most viewed video on YouTube, Gangnam Style has apparently even stirred the folks over at NASA. The space agency has now dished out a Gangnam Style parody which essentially celebrates NASA’s historic Johnson Space Center.

Johnson Space Center is one of NASA’s primary facilities, kind of the place where the magic happens. The facility was kickstarted into action during the 1960s and currently serves as NASA’s center for research, HR training and several other purposes.
The significance of the Johnson Space Center couldn’t be stressed more since in the greater role of NASA, the place has often served as the launchpad of numerous projects by the space agency. The name of the facility has frequently recurred in space-missions. But until now, it was known in a fairly formal manner.
With the new Gangnam Style parody that NASA has now officially released, we get to see the more informal side of the Center. The video is dubbed ‘Johnson Style’ and goes on to show some funny dancing as well as different parts of the facility.
Apparently, this parody was performed by the students working at the facility in order to provide the general public with a more intimate look into the workings of the space agency. You can watch the funny video below.
Source: NASA
Courtesy: The Verge

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Posted: 16 Dec 2012 02:00 AM PST
Yahoo’s advertisements on its search pages are one of the key sources of revenue for the company. Apparently to bolster this revenue, Yahoo has dished out a new kind of advertisement. They are being termed Cost-Per-Lead ads and essentially allow advertisers to gather information from users.

Cost-per-lead ads
These new kind of ads are neatly embedded into Yahoo’s search results. They usually consist of multiple data fields that the advertisers ask the users to fill in. Once the user fills in the information and proceeds, a new window pops up with further prompts from the advertiser.
For instance, if you were searching for dating sites on Yahoo search, you will be presented with a Cost-per-lead ad from The ad would consist of different fields asking you to specify your own gender, location and name. It also presents you with a ‘Search Now’ button.’ Once you hit the button, you are taken to a page which asks you for further details and helps you find a date.
According to Yahoo, it will first verify the data provided by the users so that an advertiser has to pay only for the legal fill-ins. The company hasn’t specified the pricing of these new form of ads and has rather given the ambiguous statement that pricing may vary according to product or service.
However, a Yahoo spokesperson did reveal this much that per SERP, only one ad will appear and that if two advertisers bid for the space and are equally qualified to get it, the one who is ranked higher in the search results will be able to nab it.
Source: Yahoo
Courtesy: SearchEngineLand

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Posted: 16 Dec 2012 12:00 AM PST
The talk of invisibility cloak is nothing new. Although the notion got popularized when it was used by Harry Potter, scientists have been working on one for quite some time. Now, a Canadian company claims that it has created a fully functional invisibility cloak which can render the wearer invisible.

Quantum Stealth
The scientific theory upon which the idea of invisibility clock is based is – if light could be bent around an object, an observer would not be able to observe that object. And thus, the object would become invisible to that observer.
The Canadian company, Hyperstealth, says that it has been able to accomplish precisely that. According to the company, it has been able to make an object “completely invisible by bending light waves around the target.”
Hyperstealth is not new to the business of developing stealth gear. For nearly a decade now, it has been working on the development of different kinds of camouflage equipment including specialized uniforms. All this stealth gear eventually gets to be used by U.S. military.
The new invisibility cloak, being dubbed Quantum Stealth, is also expected to land in the hands of U.S. military sooner or later. To show off exactly how the cloak may work, Hyperstealth has released mock-up photos. But it refuses to reveal the actual working of Quantum Stealth for “security reasons.”
As ludicrous as the idea of an invisibility cloak may seem, it is possible in theory. Whether or not Hyperstealth has been able to achieve it in practice remains to be seen. Until then, we will take the company’s tall claims with a pinch of salt.
Courtesy: Extreme Tech

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Posted: 15 Dec 2012 11:00 PM PST
Although the Modern interface of Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 8, has been hailed a lot, many feared it may pose a significant challenge to many users. However, the company has now claimed that in light of the user data it has gathered, users are adjusting nicely to the new OS.

Windows 8 Metro Interface
The user interface of Windows 8 is a lot different from that provided by Windows 7 and other predecessors. That is precisely why, many users have been wary of making the switch. Even those who did adopt the new OS have been apprehensive towards the tiled interface.
The new leader of the Windows product development team, Julie Larson-Green, has now claimed that her team has been gathering automatic feedback from certain Windows users who chose to join the company’s “customer experience improvement program.” And as per this feedback, these users are adjusting to many new features of Windows 8 without any hassle.
Larson-Green further claims that nearly 90 percent of Windows 8 users need only one session to get the hang of the basics of the new OS. In fact, soon after adopting Windows 8, the familiarity with the new interface is quite normal, “There’s a cutover point, around six weeks in, where you start using the new things more than the things you’re familiar with.”
However, while that remains Larson-Green’s claim, a significant number of tech analysts and users have reported across multiple forums that the switch from Windows 7 to Windows 8 is fairly problematic. The chief problems that are cited include the inability to grasp the redesigned features in Windows 8 and as a result, a much lower productivity.
Courtesy: Technology Review

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Posted: 15 Dec 2012 10:09 PM PST
Nokia has been adding many new releases to its portfolio of Windows Phone handsets. Although in major markets such as U.S., the company has stuck to standard releases, it has been dishing out more exclusive devices for developing markets. The release of a low-end Lumia 505 handset is apparently the latest episode of this strategy.

Nokia Lumia 505
The launch of low-end and more affordable Lumia handsets in developing markets is apparently a bid by Nokia to bolster the sales of its Lumia devices. More pricey Lumia devices such as Lumia 910 may not gain traction in such markets due to their high price points.
The latest in the league of low-end handsets dished out by the company is Nokia Lumia 505. The handset will be available with Telcel in Mexico and packs fairly modest specifications. It has a 3.7-inch AMOLED display which clocks at a resolution of 800 x 480.
The company didn’t divulge what processor goes under the hood of Lumia 505, but we are sure it would be nothing fancy. With 256MB of internal memory and 4GB of storage space, the device packs just enough for a basic phone.
The limelight of the device is probably the 8-megapixel rear camera. The major disadvantage for Windows Phone fans, though, is that the Lumia 505 handset arrives with Windows Phone 7.5 and can’t be upgraded to Windows Phone 8.
Still, the device is a good starting point for someone who is just taking a shot at the Windows Phone platform. The price of the device is also unknown but we can rest assured that it is going to be quite affordable.
Courtesy: Ubergizmo

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Posted: 15 Dec 2012 03:00 PM PST
Modern-day detection of enemy planes in the air is heavily reliant on the use of radars. Radars send out a signal which hits an enemy plane within its range and is reflected back, alerting the system of its presence. However, conventional radars can be jammed and so, scientists have now come up with a better alternative.

Quantum imaging
Planes usually make use of anti-detection system which are able to fool conventional radars. These systems intercept the radar’s signal and send back a false image so that the radar is unable to discern the presence of an enemy plane and disregards it as simply a bird.
However, a group of researchers at University of Rochester have now come up with the idea of using quantum imaging to counter anti-detection systems. Quantum imaging essentially makes use of the quantum nature of light – in other words, it deploys photons to do the work.
These photons are polarized before they are sent towards a given object. When the object, say an enemy plane, detects them, it tries to modify them and feed them a false image. However, this immediately alters the polarity of these photons. When the photos are reflected back to the radar, the system is able to detect their altered polarity. In this way, an enemy plane equipped with anti-detection system can be detected.
For now, this unique use of quantum imaging has been demonstrated only as part of the research. But the team working on it believes that this new technique can find extensive applications in modern optical ranging and imaging systems.
Source: MIT Tech Review
Courtesy: Engadget

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Posted: 15 Dec 2012 02:02 PM PST
A number of apps tend to keep tabs on your locational data. This data is then sold to other third parties who would normally use it for their own advertisement and marketing purposes. U.S. Senator, Al Franken, wants such apps to get explicit permission from users before sharing information about their location.

Location tracking
Naturally, the senator’s views reflect the concerns of millions of users who think that sharing locational information without consent is a breach of user privacy. It can even jeopardize a user’s security who, at any given time, may want his location to be completely secret.
Senator Al Franken is now putting his weight behind a location privacy bill. The bill would make it incumbent upon the companies gathering locational data to first seek explicit permission from the users both for gathering this data and then sharing it with third parties.
Moreover, these apps will have to clearly tell which third parties they will be selling their data to. Not only that, any such apps which ‘cyberstalk’ the users in secret will be held as indulging in criminal activity.
Franken cited his concerns regarding location-tracking apps in the following words, “Location information is extremely sensitive information. Parties with access to this information know what roads you take to work, the church you go to, where you drop your kids at school, and the doctors you go to.”
The bill that he has introduced is already gaining traction and it is hoped that it may eventually be passed some time during 2013. And that is excellent news for smartphone apps users.
Courtesy: Forbes

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Posted: 15 Dec 2012 01:23 PM PST
Finally, Google maps is back on iOS. After the release of iPhone 5, Apple fans were dissatisfied with the own map of Apple which is actually amateur application. Yesterday Google released the new app for iOS which is actually a counterpart of Android version.

The new version is much more clean and user-friendly, especially its interface. Daniel Graf, Director of Google Maps for Mobile, told us that Google “We started working on it this year. We took a step back, we had an opportunity to create a new experience from scratch.” The majority of maps features – traffic, turn-by-turn navigation, transit directions, walking directions, satellite view, street view, indoor photos, Zagat restaurant reviews etc.
As it is written on the blog, “To complete the Google Maps ecosystem, we’re also releasing the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and a simple URL scheme to help developers use Google Maps when building their beautiful and innovative apps.”
You can download it from Apple Store.
Source: Google Blog
Courtesy: CNET

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